He learns his basics in drumming at the age of six. At fourteen he attends courses at the Academy of Music in Liège (Belgium) and simultaneously takes up work as a studio musician At the same age, he discovers a new passion: the guitar. He spends hours listening to the great jazz musicians and learns on his own the guitar. He starts composing and writing arrangements...He has his debut as a jazz drummer at the age of 17 with the alto saxophone player Jacques Pelzer.Rapidly Mimi Verderame asserts his position in jazz
Trad op met ons koor:
19/12/2015 Geraardsbergen - "Zingende Kerst ? Swingende Kerst"
17/12/2016 Nederboelare- Kerstconcert "Dreamin' of a Jazzy Xmass"
18/12/2016 Ninove- Kerstconcert "Dreamin' of a Jazzy Xmass"
23/12/2016 Halle- Kerstconcert "Dreamin' of a Jazzy Xmass"
16/12/2017 Nederboelare - Kerstconcert "Hoop"
22/12/2017 Halle - Kerstconcert "Hoop"